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Wrye Bash help please


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I'm pretty new to the modding scene so bare with me. I just installed wrye bash and when I load it up I don't see the bashed patch. esp.


I couldn't find any answers on google that are up to date. One answer I found was simply to add the bashed patch manually, when I tried this I came to the realization that I can't do that. Everytime I try to click an open space I end up selecting a mod. There is no way that I can see to add my own folder to the wrye bash directory.


When I installed the program it gave me a warning not to install in the program file folder...but this game is on steam and I don't know how to pull the game out of the steamapps folder and put it somewhere else. Is that possible?


And is it possible that this issue is causing my bashed patch issue?


please help D:

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I'm pretty new to the modding scene so bare with me. I just installed wrye bash and when I load it up I don't see the bashed patch. esp.


I couldn't find any answers on google that are up to date. One answer I found was simply to add the bashed patch manually, when I tried this I came to the realization that I can't do that. Everytime I try to click an open space I end up selecting a mod. There is no way that I can see to add my own folder to the wrye bash directory.


When I installed the program it gave me a warning not to install in the program file folder...but this game is on steam and I don't know how to pull the game out of the steamapps folder and put it somewhere else. Is that possible?


And is it possible that this issue is causing my bashed patch issue?


please help D:

Thank you so much :) *internet hug*

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