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Time for ideas on TES VI


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Well I always liked the look of Oblivion, Not all grey and wintery, but not tropical and stuff, just normal fantasy looking. Would love to see that again. But here is my list of things I would love to see, mostly immersion stuff.


1. Better NPC's. Mostly meaning more life, they act and do a lot more lively things, Ive got a few mods in skyrim to do just that.


2. Better Physics. Would love to see more trees and Grass moving more, and when the trees blow in the wind leaves fall a lot more.


3. Better fighting animations. Would be awesome to see some better fighting moves other than the normal hack and slash, kind of like what is seen in the witcher 2. But would be based off of how high your sword skill is, so if your starting out then the normal animations you would normally see but later on more of a cooler looking fluid motion.


4. Horse following. When you get off your horse have a rope or something so that you can walk it around or just have it follow you like a normal follower. And have a carrying system so you can let it carry some stuff.


5. Better interactions. Once more this is a mod for skyrim, but have your character do certain actions when your close to something like a fire, your character will warm there hands or something.


6. Jobs. Not going somewhere and killing something or delivering, but jobs such as cooking or smithing ect.


7. Platforming. Not to make it like assassins creed but to get a better feeling for running and jumping. Mostly because in skyrim I tried some platforming quests and such, and it was hard to do.


8. Open cities. Once more idea coming from a mod in skyrim and i think morrowind(cant remember been a while since i played it)


9. Graphics. And of course better graphics, Just take a look at all the ENB stuff for skyrim. But would be cool to have something that is playable on the people less forunate to not have a decent pc.


10. Exciting quests. I didnt find my self that interested in the quests as much. Although I havent finished them yet, but the start of the game was amazingly well done then after it gets pretty slow.


So thats my very small list.


Most of my wants are from mods i currently use in skyrim. As you can probably tell i love immersion in my skyrim game.

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The main things I want boil down to Choice, Consequence and Variety, plus a hand full of tweaks.


Lets say part of the main mission is to stop a mill supplying the enemy I want choice in how I do it. Kill everyone inside, burn it down, remove a key part so it breaks, poison the food so no one buys from it, buy it out/or persuade teh owners and get it supplying your side. Each way plays to a different style of character and gives a much more personal experience.


Going back to the mill, lets say you burnt it down with everyone inside, less food in the village, so shops have less money and prices are higher, milers family may put a hit on you, and your side has less resources, poison it however and the enemy troops are weaker, mob has killed the miller and you can buy it out for a song, Persuade and your side is stronger, but you may have to defend it from opposition attacks.

Both of these add to the game play affecting the story, which is something I want to see more of.


This takes a number of different forms, but includes things like the Automatic variance mod, but also something that was mentioned in the Civil war rebuild mod, that the fight goes on with out you, so holds switch sides due to battles that happen of screen. This shows you can affect the world, but it goes on without you.


Make destruction (especially flames/ sparks/ frostbite) more powerful at mid to late game.

Have sustained spells (oak flesh) decrease mana regen rather that failing every minute.

Pick a GEMS mod, and put it in.

Edited by hopeful_monster
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skyrim isn't death just look at the numbers on steam and thats not counting the people with steam oddline


besides it will be atleast another 2 or 3 years before we might find out what the next Elder scrolls will be named


First w still need to go thru the agony of that ESO monstrosity

lets hope that it will not kill the franchise but i have a pretty bad feeling about it

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ESO is part of Zenimax, it has Nothing to do with Bethesda and our TES Series.


So in other words, they will flunk and Bethesda will Continue with the TES Series.

indeed , but the fact is that many fans would buy anything with the Elder scrolls name stamped on it and the disilusions , frustrations and outright bad and flawed concepts and fameplay of ESO will give the franchise a bad reputation

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I haven't read the first post fully yet, but thought I'd post some stuff I am hoping for.

rReading it atm, @Daventry, you are essentially just asking for enhanced Skyrim? In almost every.. request.. You are referring to something. Or telling how to do it.

My intent is not to "mock" Skyrim. Skyrim was HUGE leap from Oblivion, even huge leap when comparing to Fallout games.

Characters arent just block-faces fuglies, faces are somewhat realistic. Animations are smooth and game looks fantastic.

In Skyrim there was some really nice new mechanics, Magic casting and dual wielding system.



I hope the next game takes place in Summerset Isles - Elsweyr - Valenwood
For last two games the ES series has been neglecting the "Non-human" races. In Oblivion Imperials/bretons were the most used races, In skyrim it was Imperials/nords.
Now I'd LOVE to see game where Imperials/bretons/nords would be the "lesser" races.

in Skyrim the beast races and wood/dark elves got just too little attention.

Everything doesn't need to be perfectly equal
Racism should exist in-game, even some "minor" things. Mocking and such. It gives character depth and allows for greater RP experience

Bestiary & Nature & Enviroment
I seriously hope the bestiary gets a bit "back" in time and gets more attention.
In Oblivion there was many species of same race, all with different bonuses and resistances which made them different and more dangerous in different ways.
I want to see some "old" beasts return and some new ones. And I hope they make some of the beasts a bit more "fantasy" like.


Also, some more common animals. Cows, Goats, birds and such. Creatures that would make sense.



Free time & Roleplaying

1. Things to do in free time. Bard business, jobs, something completely different to do while you are not adventuring.

2. MUCH better family system. Growing child, adopting kid, teaching kid. (Possibly choosing class that he/she will eventually adapt into?)



More of them. Maybe a bit room for choice? Do you want to join Dark Brotherhood or Morag Tong for example.


Choices that really matter/ EVERYTHING matters

In Skyrim it didn't really matter which side you chose in Civil war. People still loved you. You're feared assassin of Dark brotherhood? Nobody cares.

There is some other choices like this. But the point is that it felt like in Skyrim Bethesda didn't want to punish you for anything. All important people were protected, you could't just say "F*** YOU COMPANIONS, I'LL JUST KILL YOU ALL".

Completing all daedric quests didn't mean that vigilants of stendarr would start hunt for you. There was really little things that you actually change with the ways how you act.


Many things were identical to each other, reason? Bethesda didn't want to make one thing different to other. Example, Destruction magic school. It didn't matter too much if you used fire/lightning/frost, they all became OP at some point. (Well, frost is a bit different, as there's so many enemies at later levels that are immune to it.)

Second example, guilds. Basically the base for all guilds is same.
> Join guild > do some missions for the guild > do more missions > Suddenly everything goes haywire > Poop hits the fan > suddenly you are forced to become the leader.

Option to say "no" would be really good. Be it daedra or king for whom you say it, but it'd be good.


Not really guild stuff, but different vampire clans.

There's many species of vampires in Tamriel, but only two-three vampire species have been used this far. (Volkihar, Cyrodiilic and some sort of combination)
Expanding vampirism would be really good addition.


Also, werebeasts and diseases associated to them.


Combat doesn't need to be extremely realistic. It's RPG, not some sort of medieval combat simulator. However, combat should be somewhat more.. combat-like.

Armors should feel different. If enemy is in full plate armor, you are going to have bad time.

Also, Unarmed should make return. Even if I didn't use it back in oblivion, it was immersive to find people who really fought with their fists all the time. (And were actually good with their fists)


Magic is pretty good in skyrim. I like the system that allows using two spells at the same time. Much better than the quick-cast system on which it was based in Oblivion.


However, amount of DIFFERENT spells is just too low.

There's only fraction of the spells that were available in Oblivion, hopefully amount is bigger in next ES game. In addition to that:

New spell "schools", could go just under other spell schools, for example:

Necromancy, Druid stuff, Paladin/monk spells



I hope next Elder Scroll game is going to include much more weapons than Skyrim did, but less than Morrowind had.

Throwing weapons, muskets, crossobws, at least in addition to basic sword/axe/hammer/mace weapons.


I'd love to see much more variants for clothes. Even same armor in different color makes the area feel more fresh and realistic.


Also, material should matter in more ways than just how much damage it deals. Maybe some different specs? One material is faster, one deals more damage and is slower etc.

1. I HOPE next ES game is not going to be as "balanced" as Skyrim was. What I mean?
Joining guilds wasn't problem. There was no requirements. You didn't even need to be "warrior" of any sort to join Companions.
I can't remember how it was handled in Oblivion, maybe it wasnt. But for some reason I didn't even feel like joining the Fighters guild as mage.
Also, it didn't matter if you played Thief, Warrior or Mage, only thing that mattered was if you could deal enough damage to kill the next foe.

2. Return of class system. At least some parts of it. At first sight it sounded amazing that you didn't need to choose class in Skyrim.
However, this completely messes up some things. As the level cap gets quite high, which means that making game and adjusting difficulty becomes impossible.
Some people reached the cap of 81, I never did. I DID NOT EVEN WANT TO.

Game became just too easy when you reached level of 35-40, no matter what class you played.
(Note: In vanilla game)

3. Better animations. Combat doesn't need to look like it looks in Witcher 2, but at least the first and third person animations could match and look somewhat realistic.

4. Dodging, it's a feature I miss from oblivion.


5. NEW ENGINE. If not, at least enhanced so the scripts aren't as fragile as they are in Skyrim. No idea if there's engine that could handle game as big as Skyrim and with the same customizing options..


Last but not least:




Skyrim feels like it's made for everyone. It's for consoles, it's for PC. It's for younger players and older as well.

Especially "For younger" part feels completely ridiculous for game that is +18.


Also, a bit too much felt like it was built for consoles. I'd seriously hope Bethesda would build next ES game for PC, THEN port it to consoles and not the other way around.


In Skyrim the worst part was the ridiculous level cap. 80 works for Guild Wars 2, but single-player RPG? Please no.

Starting over feels horrible because of the high level cap. In addition to that it makes the process of making content much harder,

because the npc's need to be adjusted for lower level characters as well. That means that either the "high-end", low level, or mid-level is getting

less attention and thus feels bad.

In Skyrim the 30 was just/is perfect level. You didn't die in one hit, enemies could take some punishment and the combat was really rewarding.

Skyrim felt dumbed down, puzzles weren't hard, you didn't need to use your brain, you could just follow the marker.


Also, I want that Bethesda actually reads fan-posts and such and listens to them.

I wish that next ES game feels as huge leap as Oblivion - Skyrim felt.


Edit: Wot, my post was this huge?

Further edit:
Curses. Now it feels bad to play Skyrim when I'm already hyped for game that is not even announced yet.

Edited by Guest
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