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DarNified UI causing CTD


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I just installed OMOD v.1.3.2 in OBMM v. 1.1.11, double clicked the OMOD and received error: C# script failed to compile. The green icon then turned blue. The game crashes while loading. Any ideas?


BTW, DarN, if you are monitoring this forum I have tried repeatedly to register in your forum, but for some reason have not received an activation email. Also, cannot find anyway to leave message or make any kind of contact unless registered so I am stuck. Hope you see this message.

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Did you try installing this mod to a clean (and fully patched) version of Oblivion? What version of Windows are you running?


I found out personally an issue with Oblivion and Vista64. I just started Oblivion back up yesterday, and it was initially crashing on startup. This was the first time I've played the game via Vista64. Running the game in XP Compatability mode (with Admin Access) seems to have fixed this problem.


I haven't used the vanilla DarN UI mod - I've used instead the retextured version by Gothic251 (You can get it HERE. I've used this version since August of last year, and I've loved it. The only other thing I can think of is to go through the instructions and perform a manual install - somethings need to be changed in the oblivion.ini file for the UI to work. That brings up another thought - if you did modify the .ini file, it's possible you made an accidental change to something else in it, and it's causing your problems.


(edited @ 15:40 EST, to fixed a frakked-up link, and clarify some information).

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