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[LE] Cell Landscape Copy?


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I've been playing around with the CK and so far it's been a lot of fun, even the navmeshes - I just learned to use it last Saturday. :teehee:

My problem that I can't seem to find an answer to is;

Can you copy modifications you've done to the landscape (in World Space - Tamriel) of a cell into another mod? By modifications I'm specifically referring to the raising and lowering of the land itself (and maybe texture painting).

I've found you can duplicate objects you've placed in one esp to a new one, that's easy.

And I figured out how to copy the navmesh (and how to use flood fill to find and delete the unwanted one) but copying the actual landscape changes itself seem to elude me.


Is it even possible in CK to do this?

Edited by Paulkmf
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1) It's never a good idea to edit the vanilla worldspace / landscape / terrain (raising and lowering).

2) Never delete Vanilla NavMesh, it's a 'Dirty Edit'.

* There is a specific method you need to follow to edit the vanilla NavMesh.

3) You can't duplicate specific edits from a region of a world space terrain to another region of the same or to another world space.

* If you intend on doing this a mod for public use, then the things mentioned above are a big NO NO.

* If it's just for your use then there isn't much of a problem beside the occasional CTDs that you will encounter when installing mods that adds even a mosquito inside or near the cells you've edited.

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