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Mod collaborators wanted


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I'm looking for modders who are good at creating scripts and quests. We can collaborate on an excellent new player-home mod with quests. All persons involved will be properly credited.


I'm in the process of building an exquisite new castle fort as a player home. The exterior is finished, but it will take me a while to finish the interiors. It will offer the following features:

- horse stable

- outdoor covered smithing and smelter area

- indoor alchemy and enchanting stations

- a barracks with beds and wardrobe closets for multiple followers

- a fully furnished master bedroom with a bed for mortals or a coffin for vampires

- a dungeon area with multiple cells

- fully furnished kitchen and dining hall

- one or two watchtowers

- a library with functional bookshelves

- a common area with a throne or thrones

- functional weapon racks/plaques, shield racks, mannequins and display cases



I'd like to recruit interested modders who can implement the scripts and other components to add the following features:

- add quests the player must complete to win ownership of the castle

- set it up so that most furnishings and proper lighting won't appear until after the ownership quest is completed

- script it so that the bodies of defeated enemies will be cleared away after completion of the ownership quest and replaced by servants/slaves/etc.

- set up item permissions so that items in the castle are flagged stolen until the ownership quest is completed

- (optional) write a script so that when the player wins the castle, the master bedroom will have a bed if the player is normal or a coffin if the player is a vampire



Please message me if you are interested in collaborating. Meanwhile, feel free to comment to this thread with your feedback and suggestions.


Thanks for your time.

Edited by EnigManic
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