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Is This Possible?


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is it possible to have a war paint displayed on the body rather than the face/head?

if it is then this would make it possible for the player and random NPCs to look as if they have their own unique tattoos rather than using custom body skins or everyone having the same tattoo.


I'm hoping that the creation engine is similar to other engines in the way it handles the body and head meshes and textures so that although the war paint/tattoo is attached to the head, it is displayed on the body.

I'm also hoping that someone out there knows what I am talking about :D

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nice, I'll wait for the SKSE version as I have to use that for some of the mods I can't play without.


I was just wondering if it could be done making the tattoos as war paints that are displayed on the body. if it's possible then it wii just be textures and won't need scripts or changes to anything in the quests and NPCs can also have body tattoos that are different to each other and the player.


I suppose it would be similar to the dragon aspect shout effect but reversed, so that instead of it being attached to the body and displaying on body AND head it would be attached to the head and displayed on the body (and head and hands if the design warrents it)

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It'll be about a month before I finish the new version, so make sure you keep an eye out for it.


The way the current CCBT is set-up, it does not use any scripts (no bloating), so what you want may be possible. It'll just take a little digging to find the right setup so it could work. The only way you could have the npc's using different tattoo's and whatnot is if you create separate races for them, link the dialogue and assign the proper head, hands and feet lists.

Edited by krisjay
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The only way you could have the npc's using different tattoo's and whatnot is if you create separate races for them, link the dialogue and assign the proper head, hands and feet lists.


what if the body tattoo warpaints were part of a full body warpaint (based on the existing warpaints) that covered head, hands and body and these were used as replacers for the defaults?

done that way it would then put tattoos onto any NPC that has warpaint.

I don't know if it is possible to edit the lists to add custom warpaints to NPCs, but if it isn't, there are enough default warpaints to give variety, especially as some will only show if the torso has no armour.


it would also be good if there were 2 sets.

1 with the face warpaint/tattoo and 1 without so you can have the body tattoo you want even if you don't want the face tattoo that goes with it

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