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TR + Morrowind Patch Project not compatible


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Alright i'm new and i don't know a whole lot about mods. I extract them to where they are supposed to go, and select them and i'm a go.


I really do not want a lot of mods when i play Morrowind, they only ones i want are:


Tamriel Rebuilt

Morrowind Code Patch

Morrowind Patch Project

Better Dialogue Font



I can live without Better Dialogue Font, and GraphicHerbalism but i do what the others.


The problem i am encountering is that when i Try to use Tamriel Rebuilt and Morrowind Patch Project together. I get missing sound files errors.


I am using Steam edition "", and i have changed the file dates so that isn't a problem. I have also done want is told to do in Tamriel Rebuilt readme.


Can someone give a detailed guide to installing atleast TR and MPP together so that it will work,


Any help would be great.

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