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"All Countries Contribute" modlet


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The CalcFunding function doesn't actually update the class variable m_iFunding.


The function BeginPaying has:


m_iFunding = CalcFunding();


while AddPanic only has:




The call in AddPanic doesn't actually DO anything that has a permanent result. To get the funding to properly adjust after panic changed (AddPanic is called with a negative value to remove panic), it would have to be changed to:


m_iFunding = CalcFunding();


just like in BeginPaying()




Five more bytes would have to be freed up to add the assignment. I'd suggest some a Discarded Continent bonus that was supposed to reduce panic gains:



if(iPanic > 0 && (HQ().HasBonus(3)))
iPanic = Max(1, iPanic / 2);
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I just just wondering earlier today if a mod like this was possible, this is an awesome find.



Here's what I envision:


1) An overall reduction in funding so that the total maximum of all 16 countries adds up to a nice even 1000 Xcoins. This should keep your income from growing out of hand in the late game.

2) New Economy should stay in that ballpark, or even precisely at that level, if possible.

3) Countries without satellites provide half funding.

4) Probably a reduction of Africa's continental bonus to 20~25%

5) Possibly an increase in cost for satellites.

6) A sharp drop in funding as panic rises, i.e.


1 = 100%

2 = 80%

3 = 50%

4 = 10%

5 = 0% (They're going to drop out before paying anyways, usually)


Does that look feasible (and/or reasonable)?


The main intent is that you can avoid the almost mandatory satellite rush in the early game without shooting yourself in the foot too much. Satellites should be more of a tool for panic management rather than the entire cornerstone of your economy.

Edited by Hannibal Rex
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1) An overall reduction in funding so that the total maximum of all 16 countries adds up to a nice even 1000 Xcoins. This should keep your income from growing out of hand in the late game.


Should be easily configurable via the DGC.ini


2) New Economy should stay in that ballpark, or even precisely at that level, if possible.


New Economy changes will require some hex changes to the XGWorld.RandomizeFunding function. I haven't looked at this function in much detail, but it looks like more work than value changes.

3) Countries without satellites provide half funding.


Configurable via DGC.ini edit with this mod.

4) Probably a reduction of Africa's continental bonus to 20~25%


Configurable via the DGC.ini.

5) Possibly an increase in cost for satellites.


Configurable via the DGC.ini.

6) A sharp drop in funding as panic rises, i.e.


1 = 100%

2 = 80%

3 = 50%

4 = 10%

5 = 0% (They're going to drop out before paying anyways, usually)

Currently almost exactly this is implemented via the Second Wave option "Results Driven". To add the changes for this mod I re-coded the formula for Results Driven into something compact (and I think mathematically identical).
The (new) formula is :
iFunding *= (0.250 * float(5 - iPanic));

iPanic actually ranges from 0 to 4 instead of 1 to 5, so:

1 block = 125% of base

2 blocks = 100% of base

3 blocks = 75% of base

4 blocks = 50% of base

5 blocks = 25% of base


If you hex edited the number 5 to 4, I think this second wave option would perform close to what you desire, although a bit more linearly, dropping from 100% to 0% funding. 2 blocks would be 75% instead of 80%, and 4 blocks would be 25% instead of 10%.


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