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Need help, stuck in companion questline. (SPOILERS)


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I'm up to the part where you have to become a werewolf to continue with the companions quest, since i'm already a vampire ( using better vampires mod ) I have no intentions of loosing my vampire status...is there a way or a console command where I can just finish that part of the quest without becoming a werewolf ?

And will it bug the game if I finish the quest using the console, thus not becoming a werewolf ?


Ps: I love werewolves, but my other char is one already.

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There is a sticky thread saying no spoilers in gigantic letters lol. I hope I don't get in trouble for answering but *SPOILER* if you scroll down

















You can't progress the companion quest line without turning but what you can do is complete up until you have to cure kodlak and use one of the additional witch heads to cure yourself as well. Then you can become a vampire again through whatever means and still have the quests done.

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If you accept i do believe that you don't loose any progress in other modes (sorry if you do). i said yes then cured myself right after, spoke to my follower (Srana from Dawnguard) & got to be a vampire again but i don't like either so then i went to Morthal to get cured of both in less then 2 mins :)

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Sorry, didn't notice the no spoilers thing.. my bad.

Thanks for the advice, think I'll just get it up to kodlak and leave it there t'ill im ready, too bad you can't keep doing radiant quests for them cause I really love those, especialy the rescue missions are awesome.

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I know, finished it before, but my new character is a vampire ( got him infected using better vampires mod ) and I really enjoy playing as a vamp with him, and I just don't wanna risk screwing it by being turned in a werewolf because I know the questline blocks at that point anf skjor wait for you.

Will using the setstage command to finish the quest break something ? or will it turn me in a werewolf anyways ?

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I play as a vampire and I hate how the companions doesn´t give us a choice, anyway, I just solve most my problems with console command so I just opened the console command and complete that quest (SPOILER) to the point where I have to kill the silver hand with eola or whatever she is called and then I can play all the way as a vampire helping werewolves XD

The console command to pass the point to choose to be a werewolf is setstage C03 25

Edited by scot
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