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Star Wars Blaster Weapons with reload animations and a "HUD" display while aiming.


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Yo modders!

There is an already existing star wars weapon mod named "Clone armory weapons" but the bad thing about it that is has low poly textures, the reload of these weapons are the standard fallout ones which are not suitable for these weapons and they are just a few, so not so much to choose from.
I would like to suggest if any modder would be that kind to make it from the scratch, because people who use the Clone Armory mod would be happy to use these weapons with their correct display.

The weapons could be used from the assets of Battlefront 2 or the SQUAD SW mode, you just need to import to to make it work for fallout 4 and make an animation for it when reloading.
Also I just saw the SQUAD online FPS game has a Star Wars mod in which when you aim down your sights you have a "red or blue" hud display to make your aim better, which looks actually very nice!


The weapon list which would be great this mod contain the following:

  • DC-15S
  • DC-15A
  • DC-15S (sidearm)
  • DC-17M (Clone Commando rifle)
  • DC-17 Heavy Blaster Pistol (Clone Commando)
  • Z-6 Rotary cannon (Minigun)
  • E-11 (Stormtrooper Blaster)
  • E-11B (First Order Blaster)
  • E-3 (Boba Fett's)
  • BAW E-5 (Standard B1 Battledroid Blaster)
  • A280 (Rebel Rifle)
  • DLT-20A Imperial Rifle
  • SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster
  • DH-17 Blaster Carbine
  • Imperial Scout Trooper Pistol
  • E-11D Death Trooper Rifle


I hope someone will do this mode, because I would like to, but I can't modding :laugh:.
Anyway thanks in advance!



Edited by xNuKe1337x
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