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First steps selecting Tools and Mods for Skyrim


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Hi everyone,


at first i’am no native speaker, but i hope you will understand and maybe help me.


A year ago I bought Skyrim and knowing of the mods on the nexussites, I startet modding it. I love RPGs and I love to improve them using beautiful mods, but no RPG (Dragon Age 1+2, Fallout, Mass Effect and many others) gave me such a headache like Skyrim.


After reading guides and mod- descriptions, hours of browsing mods and downloading, trying loadorders, reinstalling Skyrim three times and starting 20 Characters, I deleted Skyrim and never touched it again.


Now I want to try it again and browsed the forums and used the search, but didn’t found something like first steps in selecting tools and mods for Skyrim.

The last time I used many mods to improve textures, ENB, Weather, Races, Homes, Weapons and Armors, Companions and Animations, Scripts and so on.


Some hints would be appreciated because I don’t want to experience such a disaster again.

So long and thanks a lot



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