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Mounted Horse Camera Bugged, need assistance.


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Having an issue with the camera mounted with weapon drawn.


As we all know, there are two positions for the camera while riding a horse. The default position when no weapons are drawn, and a combat-ready / weapons drawn camera position.


Everything is fine until I enter the weapon drawn mode while on the horse. Shortly after drawing my weapon ( a bow ) the camera reverts back to the non-combat default position. This makes it impossible to aim my weapon at any target, as the horse and player models are directly in the way.


It's like the camera is being told that I no longer have my weapon drawn and is going back to the original position


Attached is an album with some screenshots showing exactly what I mean. http://imgur.com/a/vUFLQ

Edited by ddub30
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Hi i had/have the same problem. I read in a thread somewhere else that it is usually coursed by mods that change either animations or body measures of the player and/or NPC's. In my case, it is Vilja in Skyrim that is causing it. I went through all my mods and and tried various combinations of my mods, but only when i disabled Vilja my camera would act normal. I've been roaming different forums but i haven't come across any fix for it. Hopefully in your case you might only need to disable a mod or two you don't find too important.

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