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Devil May Cry 5

Request - playable BOSS Vergil Mod


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Exactly as the title said, a mod that modifies the official playable Vergil to have his final boss version properties:

- Yamato combo A: + In human form, the last slash is faster.

+ In SDT, the 5th slash and 6th Slash are seperated, the last slash is also faster.

- Yamato combo B: Automatically use Blistering Swords after the 3rd slash.

- Rapid Slash: All hits are knockbacks.

- Aerial Cleave: Knockback instead of bounce.

- Summoned Swords: 1) Blistering + Heavy Rain.

2) Storm + Heavy Rain.

- Air Raid: his "Prepare...to die!!!" attack.

- Automatic Doppelganger (like when V summons Nightmare but not ride it with Promotion)

If anyone can, I hope you will make it. Thank you.

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