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Cannot download a single companion


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I treid those two:




I don't get any errors tho the companins simpy does not show in the game :(


Game version:

Not sure how to check it, since I downloaded 9th patch (one allowing horse fight) but exe is




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I don't own steam version of the Skyrim, I have boxed one (the one which came with Alduin figure :biggrin:)

I wasn't able to update Skyrim without crash (I reinstalled game twice) so I downloaded manually patch some time ago and replaced files, but it's not illegal version if it's what you imply


If everyone knows why I can;t then I would love to know... if buying steam code (tho as I said I have boxed game since steam cuts my RAM in half ;/) it's the only way to get properly working files I have no idea what to do...


Besides other mods works just fine, I just removed all I don't use at the moment with current campaing to reduce some conflict between mods.


edit: Do I need steam version of the game to use those mods? I didn't know they work differently and haven't seen info about it. I'm afraid if I buy Steam version my saves won't work and I have 3 characters ongoing...


Cut the bull... : there is no no-Steam version. Every legally purchased copy has to be activated (and updated) through Steam,

including the one that came with the Alduin figure.

Also, I'm currently looking at Taskmanager's resource utilization window and Steam uses 105 MB of system RAM,

so if you say Steam cuts your RAM in half then you have 200 MB memory, and would not be able to play Skyrim at all.

Banned for piracy.


Edited by LadyMilla
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I don't own steam version of the Skyrim, I have boxed one (the one which came with Alduin figure :biggrin:)

I wasn't able to update Skyrim without crash (I reinstalled game twice) so I downloaded manually patch some time ago and replaced files, but it's not illegal version if it's what you imply


If everyone knows why I can;t then I would love to know... if buying steam code (tho as I said I have boxed game since steam cuts my RAM in half ;/) it's the only way to get properly working files I have no idea what to do...


Besides other mods works just fine, I just removed all I don't use at the moment with current campaing to reduce some conflict between mods.


edit: Do I need steam version of the game to use those mods? I didn't know they work differently and haven't seen info about it. I'm afraid if I buy Steam version my saves won't work and I have 3 characters ongoing...



There is no non-Steam version. Every boxed copy is the Steam version.

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