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"Character select" idea


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Greetings everyone,


I was wondering if it's possible to make a MOD that can help you organize your saved games.

e.g. When you wanna start a new game and you don't wanna go through all other saves. Is it possible to make a MOD that generates a new folder in Skyrim's save folder with the name of your newly started char and when you get in the game and click LOAD columns show up (1 for each char, "name of the char" and below that save games) or if anyone wants to play a bit, make the load menu look like a book, each page with a chars name as a title and saved games. :)


Just a friendly idea, hope you like it. :)




P.S. This is a request, I don't have any knowledge what so ever in modding and modeling area. And right now, no time to gain any. Just fast browsing some model editing videos for potential future modding and editing. :)


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