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Is there a way to check if the player has their Pipboy light on?


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I'm trying to get my companion to react to the player leaving their light on if they're going into sneak mode (much like how the Stealth Suit MK2 does if you have it on).


I'm attempting to do this with the "FollowersStealthing" topic in the companion quest but I can't find any conditions related to the light nor any functions I could use to get whether or not the player has it on, either.


Is it possible to check whether or not the player has their light on? I checked the stealth suit's scripts but haven't found anything related to when you're using it.

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You can call https://geckwiki.com/index.php?title=TogglePipBoyLight without passing an argument.


Ha, I've seen that one but didn't think it could be called like that. Interesting.


It worked like a charm and now they're reminding me that I have a bad habit of leaving my light on, as intended. Thanks!



Try checking "Flashlight NVSE" or "Head Mounted Flashlight" to see how they handled it.


(Ninja'd by lStewie.)



I'll try checking those out as well to see if there's anything else to learn about it, thanks!

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