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pistol running animation


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hey all i HATE the way the character holds the pistols when they move. i tried to edit this in the GECK but got literally nowhere.. i have no idea what im doing :blink:


i was just wondering... you know the animation it does when you aim the gun?




is it possible for when you arent aiming it for the character to hold it in the same way but lower it down infront of them to look somethin like this...




i mean the animation is pretty much already in the game it just needs a little editing right?


sorry if the way i explained it is a little confusing.. i had a long day :wallbash:

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Yeah I agree the Cowboy style drawn pistol look really doesn't work with moving. Though the key thing to remember is that you also need to be able to shoot using that animation (which is having the pistol lowered like in your second pic wouldn't work).
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i dont think you can edit animations yet at least no ones responded to my asking but as soon as you can im planning on doing a 3rd person animation overhaul im gonna change the run and walk animation as well as the jump and sneak and that weird pistol animation it looks like theres 2 animations played when the pistols drawn so you would have to change them both theres the idle and then theres the shoot there not much different but if you change one youd most likely have to change the other..
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TheOutlander oh yeh i forgot about shooting from the hip lol :wallbash:


are there seperate animations for idle and shoot from the hip or is it just idle and aim anims?


if there are 3 seperate animations i.e


1- idle

2- shooting without aiming (from the hip)

3- aiming


could it not be possible to change the from the hip anim to match the aiming one just without the zooming in?

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i dont see why you couldnt have the pistol lowerd for the idle and then have them raise it to shoot but it would be alot slower to get a shot off cause it would have to play the entire raise animation. as for the changing i have no clue but i think it would most likely be something like adding animations to oblivion.
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