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Skyrim Gradual Lag


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Thanks for the recommendations MShaop13. What if the bottleneck is the CPU, any suggestions?

Not particularly. Using GameBooster to end unecessary processes and services will free up very small amounts of "time" but this won't really increase FPS, just reduce stutter. However, you'd need to be running a really, really old CPU to have your framerate bottleneck on the processor itself in all cases.


The performance mod regarding Occlusion Planes (Skyrim Project Optimization) could go a long way in the interiors it affects but it's also reducing GPU load and probably by a larger margin that it would reduce CPU load.


Keep in mind that FPS hits due to vRAM shortage primarily affect nVidia cards. For some reason, the nVidia cards allow the frame buffer to spill over into System RAM where AMD cards will force other assets out of vRAM to make room for the frame buffer. You could still see a noticeable reduction in stutter on a vRAM maxed AMD card by following my suggestions, but it won't be an FPS "maintainer" like it is for nVidia cards.

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