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Making guards and soldiers stronger


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I use mods like Deadly Dragons/Deadly Monsters, SkyRe, etc., and those tend to make both city guards and Civil War soldiers a joke. As such, I'm trying to put together a personal mod (I might distribute it if I can perfect it) that is meant to give guards and soldiers much higher stats, as well as a higher level cap. This way, they don't become wimps later on. (I will, however, look into making them weak against dragons. Probably a negative perk that makes them take bonus damage from dragons.)


I just wish I had known ahead of time how many freaking actor entries there were for soldiers and guards. Sheesh. Dig into the CK and you'll see what I mean.


Anyone want to lend some input? I'm forced to do all this the hard way (editing entries one by one), but I'd like to know if there's a quicker method.

Edited by darkdill
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