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Serana (again...)


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I can't go into the soul cairn! it refuses to work. im standing in her mothers study looking right at the portal but she refuses to activate the quest! And I can't jus dismiss her at that point cuz once quests started it has to be finished. plz help! Sum1!

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I can't go into the soul cairn! it refuses to work. im standing in her mothers study looking right at the portal but she refuses to activate the quest! And I can't jus dismiss her at that point cuz once quests started it has to be finished. plz help! Sum1!

This was the first bug i encountered.


Try installing the unofficial dawnguard patch.


If it still does not work, use the setstage command to push the quest.


Here is the USEP site, choose the correct quest, scroll down to the bottom of the page and check the quest number:



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