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Having issues starting... Is it a mod load issue?


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So, I get to the Bethesda screen, and then I CTD. If I start with either the Steam launcher, or the SKSE launcher.


Yes, they are installed correctly. Yes, I went mod happy, but there were no inconsistencies between mods- everything should have been compatible. If they aren't, then I must be missing something. I had most of these mods installed before I got a new harddrive, and the new ones are, well, new.


I have both Dragonborn, and Dawnguard, but not Hearthfire.


Can someone help me out here? I'd appreciate a quick response. I can only promise eternal gratitude for the people that point me in the right direction. Sorry, no cookies. Unless internet cookies count.


*See attached text document for mod load order. New mods to my game will be marked with three asterisks ***.

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CTD at the logo screen is usually a mod dependency issue.


1) Download and run BOSS to re-order your load order.

2) Then download and run TES5Edit, load up all your plugins. If TES5Edit stops loading and bounces an error message, the plugin that causes the error is the one that is missing master files.

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Thank you so much! It happened to be the Bandolier mod... no idea why, but I take it out, and up she runs!

+1 Internet cookie for you!


I appreciate the assistance ripple. You gave me the tools and the explanation as to how to use them. Thank you again!

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It also doesn't look like you have any of the Unofficial patches for Skyrim, DG or DB... you should get them.


Skyrim : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19

Dawnguard : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23491

Dragonborn : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31083


And HD DLC Patch in the event you download those : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31255


These fix multiple bugs may have had and not realized, haven't had but will... or haven't had and won't... but why not proactive :D

Edited by markus242005
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