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CTD When Loading Any Area AFTER Loading Saved Game


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So some context:

I was playing like I normally do, until I suddenly (for absolutely no rhyme or reason) experienced a Crash To Desktop when going through a door. Alright, just a random CTD as usual, nothing to worry about. Then:


* I re-loaded the last save, tried walking through the door again. CTD.
* Re-loaded, then tried to fast-travel anywhere random. CTD.
* Re-loaded two saves ago, tried to fast-travel. CTD.
* Disabled ALL my mods since I installed a new one earlier. Re-loaded. Fast travel. CTD.
* Checked the integrity of app cache. Re-loaded. Fast travel. CTD.
* Loaded 5 saves ago from 10 hours of play prior to the last save. Fast travel. CTD.

Now here's where it got really weird:
* Loaded a really early save. Fast travel. NO CTD?!
* Loaded a mid-game save, maybe 30 hours ago out of 50 played. NO CTD.
* Maybe problem fixed itself? Re-loaded newer save. CTD.

I confirmed and re-confirmed a half-dozen times that only the last 20-30 hours of saves have somehow been affected. Has anyone experienced this before? I tried disabling every damn custom thing in the game, including not launching using SKSE and I still get CTD when loading an area after initially loading a save game. I deleted local content and am re-installing everything from scratch, just want to be sure I'm not wasting my time and should just start the entire game all over... that'd be a waste of over 90 hours of playing though.

TL;DR: CTD when loading any area after initially loading any newer savegame, disabled all custom content and issue still occurs even with save games from as much as 20 hours ago.</p>

UPDATE 1: Found out it's because I disabled SkyUI (I never started using it until half-way into the game). Unfortunately, the latest update of SkyUI crashes the game whenever I open the inventory. Seems I'm screwed either way.

Edited by Seagull84
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