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Devil May Cry 5

Request - Comprehensive and up to date modding guide(s)


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Hello, I like many possible others wish to dabble in mod making for this game. Problem is that when it comes to anything other than basic textures; Information on how to do anything else is kind of sparse(At least for me).

I wish for someone(s) to help remedy this by making more up to date and concise tutorials and guides.
With a clear cut list of the tools one needs, with free alternatives to paid software being noted whenever possible.(Not everyone wants to drop cash on brand name software just because it happens to be able to save in certain formats or whatever)

I honestly think that putting together something like this would likely help cut down on the amount of request people have to make(Or at least bolster the ranks of those willing/able to fulfill them).

So for the remnants of my sanity I hope someone sees what I'm getting at with this slight rambling. Because RN as far as most are concerned allot of the more complex/interesting stuff appears to be witchcraft.

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