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Editing an existing follower


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Hey there,


I'm desperately tring to edit my follower Mjoll's outer appearance, first in the NPC editor, then in the creation kit. I read and watched several tutorials on editing NPCs in general and on dealing with the "brown-face-bug", but it just won't work - the changes don't appear in game.


Now I was wondering, if there is a difference between editing "normal" non-follower-NPCs and followers? Do I necessarily have to rename her in the CK?


Maybe one has some advice for me or maybe a tutorial on editing existing followers? :confused:


Edit: I don't know, if this is of relevance, but I just read, that I have to also tick and load the update.esm, before I start working with the CK. When I do so, I get several errors like the following one:


Assert File: C:\_Skyrim\Code\TESV\TES Shared\misc\BGSLocalizedString.cpp

Line: 2871 LOCALIZATION: Error opening or reading strings file.


Then the CK crashes. I already deleted both the skyrim.esm and update.esm and have them reloadad via steam, but the problem remains the same. Any suggestions on that?

Edited by MazeBall
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