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Script causing CTD.


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I am having CTD problems in my mod after linking 2 interiors to each other with an "AutoLoadDoor01".

I think its caused by a script I'm using on the first load door, its basically a self made portal that you can activate/deactivate through a pull chain with the following script attached to it:


Scriptname LakeviewTorture extends ObjectReference

Int LeverPosition = -1

Event onActivate(objectReference akActivateRef)

if (LeverPosition == -1)
LeverPosition = 1
elseif (LeverPosition == 1)
LeverPosition = -1


ObjectReference Property Torture Auto



I dont know much about scripting so I looked at another mod where someone activated lights this way, but it was with a push button and not a pull chain.

The CTD happens randomly when changing between interiors, especially after using the pull chain too much.

Can someone help me plz?

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yes im sure its the script, I just tested it with the marker for the portal being active at start, ran through 20+ times without problem.

The I pulled the lever with that script attached to a few times, got CTD after 2nd time of going through the portal.


edit: isnt there a way to activate/deactivate items without using custom made scripts?


edit2: nvm im just deleting it, cant release a mod with that kind of bug in it anyway, ill find something else.

Edited by Guest
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