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Question About Editing Hud Messages In NV

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So I'm trying to change the icon that comes up when the over-encumbered status comes up. Not replace it, but make it so it references something else. Anyone know where I can do that? I've found in GECK when to change the text that it says but not the actual pipboy icon.

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Thanks for the reply. Yes I did see that- but that information only helps me change the icons for items in the pipboy. I want to change the Vault Boy face that pops up when your character is over encumbered to something else. I know how to make the replacement image file, I just don't know how to tell the game to use my new image for the over encumbered message.

This thing:


Please see '


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Take a look at the mod "Complete Vault Girl Interface". It should show you at least one way of doing that. The mod "Vault Girl" includes a number of icon resources you can use as well.


If you want to summarize how you manage to make those changes, I'll add the information to that wiki article.



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