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Textures see-through ingame due to Alpha.


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I added an alpha channel to an armour that didn't previously have one. It shows up perfect in Nifscope, but as soon as I load up Skyrim it messes up.


Here are a few examples:






If you look closely at the arm you can see the background through it, this is unintensional..

I take it I need to change the flags in the AlphaProperties flags?


Any advice/help would be appreciated, thanks.



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If you are getting unwanted transparency in some areas, check the alpha image channel of the diffuse map (usually does not have a _ suffix). The alpha channel controls of the diffuse map controls the transparency of the model. Black areas are fully transparent and white areas are fully visible. If the area of the texture map used for the arm is not white then they will not be fully opaque.


EDIT: If you need to check which area of texture is related to the arm, right-click on the NiTriShape -- select texture>edit UV.



If that doesn't help --

I don't see the issue in your images. If you could get a better shot of it I may be able to help. To get a free camera, while in-game, press ~ then type "tfc 1" and press enter. To change the field of view of the camera to get a closer shot, open the console by press ~ then type "fov 30" and press enter. Also, a shot of nifskope so I know how it should look would help as well.

Edited by ImsumDave
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I figured out where I had messed up in Nifskope, there was nothing wrong with the Alpha Channel as it were. Simply the way I had setup the flags.

I had

"Enable Blending" checked, while I had

"Enable Testing" unchecked.

I set the Alpha Test Function to Greater and the threshold to 128, profit.


I appreciate the help though, Dave. Thank you. ^^


I wanted to make the screenshot higher resolution but photobucket wouldn't let me D:



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No problem. I'm glad you got it fixed. I know that the information on some of this stuff is limited, even on the internet. Or, at least, it's hard to find.


Generally, when it comes to the NiAlphaProperty, I just leave the default flags as is after adding it to my NiTriShape. By default the flags are set to 237. Changing the number beside the flag icon will also change all the flags. With flags set to 237, alpha blending is enabled and alpha testing is disabled. I think alpha blending and testing are similarly enable and disabled in vanilla nifs, but if you got it working by playing with the flags, I don't see a problem with that.

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