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Predator Technology


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gonna work on the cloaking field for right now, I want to add actual predator activation sounds and what not. Do you think its cheap that I modified the flashlight to work as cloaking?


My main goal was for the cloaking to be a 1 hit button without having to go into your inventory. The only thing i have to see if I can code is that when you activate it, it will take away a certain amount of powercells per determined amount of time

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Do you think its cheap that I modified the flashlight to work as cloaking?


Not at all, knowing that some of the equipment comes from the computer in his gauntlet


Maybe its ok to leave the way it is (about going to the inventory) remember that the predator actives it through the computer instead of just cloaking, just an idea, you are the modder here :P .

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Well, as long as the vision modes are active, then there shouldn't be a need for the PipBoy Light, anyways... I'd see if you could add both the green and the red NV modes, one set to "normal" and the other to "bright", to make switching between have a use. Now, if only you could put in a vision mode that acted like when my old system was overheating (psychodelic texturing), it would be sweet... heheheh. (Every 'object' was redered with a sort of a "tie-dye" texture, so you could navigate by telling where object were in relation to each other, but details were COMPLETELY gone. The only bonus was that a mob a half mile away would show up like a beacon in the distance for easy sniping.)
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Someone already designed 4 different vision modes for power armor, Nightvision, Infered, etc. The different vision modes also highlight different characters in different colors, brutes come up red, goauls green and the dead blue. So will work on that



I'm going to modify that eventually for our purposes. I just wish an official team would be set up, i can't model. It's something i could learn, but modeling, skinning, coding and sound designing is alot for one person haha.

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