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Predator Technology


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Is there also a way to mod it to where you can use the predator's stim packs, and that one item that increases energy (VAT Points)? If you can manage this mod I would no doubt download it!
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I was able to EASILY make a permanent targetting cursor in the three-dot style. (Just an easy change from my normal single-dot interface...)


I can upload it, but it's very easy to do yourself, and I haven't messed with any of the other icons or symbols. (I'd leave that to someone with a bit more experience... Mine was a simple cut/copy/paste job.)


The cursor is permanent, and whatever UI color you choose for your default.

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This is a great idea, but I hope everyone knows about the Divine Avenger: BETA Predator Playable Race and CM Partners mod for oblivion. It's a sweet mod and maybe someone could message him and ask for help or something. CHECK IT






Here are some links to some nifty youtube vids for it



I just wanted to post this so everyone knows about it and im sure its very doable........cause the 3d models and textures are like done already just need to be made to work in fallout 3.


hope this helps

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I downloaded the oblivion mod to see if i could port it to FO3. But I'm not that good with coding. I was able to get a predator cloak that worked as the flashlight and it took away energy cells.


I'm fully willing to work with people if they want to create a modding team. But this is something I can't do by myself.

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  • 3 months later...
I downloaded the oblivion mod to see if i could port it to FO3. But I'm not that good with coding. I was able to get a predator cloak that worked as the flashlight and it took away energy cells.


I'm fully willing to work with people if they want to create a modding team. But this is something I can't do by myself.


Hey DeaconRage, I was thinking, wouldn't it be great if you can work WITH Divine Avenger and his team so they can bring their mod on Oblivion AND Fallout3? I think they would be highly interested. And Fallout3 seems to be such a more "appropriate" world for the Yautjas to hunt anyway. Try contacting them? =)

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