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[LE] Creating Horse Stables

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Can anyone recommend a good tutorial for creating a new Horse Stable in the CK?
No videos on the subject (that I found).

I've created one in Riverwood but can't seem to get the Stable Quest dialogue to work. It does seem a bit complicated.

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Thanks. That looks something like the one I've been attempting to use. I believe the one I did find is copied directly from that one, it's not quite as clear.


Problem is when I get to the last section, where you're supposed to copy the scripts, they seem to be missing from the vanilla script.

I either have nothing in that section or ";CODE NOT LOADED" message.


Did I miss something?


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Ok, it's been a while since I did a stable and the tutorial is a bit confusing in places. I made a series of screenshots of the process for the first stable I did, so I could remind myself if I did it again. These are included in the download below as well as the buy code fragment (and you can see where it goes in picture QuestD1 screenshot) and the tutorial you have seen in a word document.


The only script you need to copy is the buy code fragment I mentioned above. The script you add to the horse Alias is the vanilla PlayerHorseScript. Remembering to set the properties in both cases.


Stable Docs

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Thanks very much.

It is a bit confusing. I actually copied it and reformatted it with bullets on each step which often resulted in a paragraph being split up four or five times. It seems toward the end he got bored with it and just wanted to finish it up.


I'll try it again and see what happens.

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I've seen a lot of mods that add stables but the horses are free. I wondered why they didn't finish them. Now I know why they give up.
This is the only tutorial that exist that attempts to explain how to make a fully functional stable. And it's probably the worst tutorial I've ever seen.

I'm not saying it isn't accurate but it almost incomprehensible due to the way it rushes through and glazes over important steps. I'm sure it makes perfect sense to anyone who's ever completed one but for those new to the idea, no. This is not the tutorial to start with.

Seriously, is there not something else explaining how to do this in a more user friendly way.

Edit: To be more clear, I've got the lines coming up but the seller is not taking the money or giving me the horse. In the troubleshooting section it says:

Q; Why does my horse seller says his lines but not take my money or sell the horse?

A; You need to edit the properties on your Accept topic result script
But this does not explain how to "edit the properties". So frustrating.
Edited by Paulkmf
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If you go to the script name in the Accept Dialogue you highlight it and press the properties button, there are 6 properties:


Press autofill will populate some of the properties.


Alias_Horse - set to the Alias of the horse your selling

Gold01 - should be set to Gold01

HorseCost - set to a Global you have created and given a value (eg MyHorseCost)

PlayerFaction - set to player faction

PlayerHorseFaction - set to PlayerHorseFaction

PlayersHorse - set to 'stables' and 'playerhorse'


Failing that download my Edoras mod open in CK and look at the quest AAEdoStable and look what I did, paying particular notice of the properties on Accept Script and the PlayerHorseScript.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Once again, thanks for the help.
I checked the properties and they are already as you posted. I will download your mod (it looks like a nice one) and see how you handled it. I'll let you know if I get this thing figured out.

My experience in coding anything is limited to a character creator I made using a spreadsheet with macros (OpenOffice). You click a button on the Character Sheet and it opens a Dialog box. I have dropdown boxes, built in formulas and even a automatic namer. It works really well and I designed it with no experience using examples I found online. It automatically fills out all your stats based on your choices. You can save it, print it out or reset it to default. To be honest, it was a lot easier to learn to make than this stupid horse stable (which still don't work). haha. I swear, this thing has me stumped. I know it's probably one simple little thing I missed but damn, it's too complicated.

I'm going to give it a break for a while and hope I can figure it out later.

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