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Dragon stuck in Whiterun!


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As the title really, I have a dead dragon keeps spawing by the gate at Whiterun. I have the timescale at 6 but not had any problems with them appearing and giving souls etc. I have also checked the globalvalues and they are at 3 and 5 so they seem fine. I have waited a week in Breezehome nearly died because I ran out of water :) and I've fast traveled a couple of times (hate doing that) but it still sits there. I've had this happen outside in the tundra a couple of times but they have been the skeletal ones and they disappear after a while.


What I'd like to know is if I use console and disable it will that stop them spawing again? I don't fancy playing for a week and then finding I have to go back to my first save.


Incidentally if I use recycleactor it reappears alive on the top of the wall...!! lots of fun but u know....not really in the spirit of how I like to play


Thanks for the help

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