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Pink Screen


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I tried unpacking my texture.bsa to add other textures then I created a new texture.bsa with the new .dds files in it... I am not sure if that was smart or not... but now I am constantly getting a pink screen as soon as I start the game...


I tried going back to the other texture.bsa but now I am still getting this crash...


Did I do something wrong? Is there any fix?


Note: I tried searching before I posted this, but all I got was just plain texture problems and something about care bear power armor...

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I tried unpacking my texture.bsa to add other textures then I created a new texture.bsa with the new .dds files in it... I am not sure if that was smart or not... but now I am constantly getting a pink screen as soon as I start the game...


I tried going back to the other texture.bsa but now I am still getting this crash...


Did I do something wrong? Is there any fix?


Note: I tried searching before I posted this, but all I got was just plain texture problems and something about care bear power armor...


I don't understand why you unpacked the bsa file and then tried to add textures to it?


Are the new textures that you are adding, mods?

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if you're new textures are for a mod. for now, dont put them in a .bsa file, and certainly dont package them within the original textures.bsa file..


as far as i understand it the fallout3.bsa packer software is in beta stages and subject to breaking you're game and BSA files and basically may or may not work.


best bet for now is to reinstall F3 with a clean textures.bsa file and just use


data/textures/MyModsNameHere/ kinda folders

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Allright, well i kept a copy of my texture.bsa in case that were the problem...


So that problem is fixed... so then why arn't the modded textures loading?


I activate archiveinvalidation but I still just don't get what I am messing up on...


Note: Here's an example... I dled the BitterCup goth make-up mod... I put the textures in a texture folder "Fallout3/Data/Texture"... and then activated the archive invalidation thing which is in the "Fallout3/Data" folder... but nothing happened.. she still looks like normal BitterCup... What did I do wrong?


Also I am using Vista... I put the fallout 3 folder on my desktop and put all my mods in there... every mod except texture mods work...

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ArcheInvalidation goes in your main Fallout folder not Data.


You will need to change the FALLOUT.ini so that bInvalidateOlderFiles=0 is bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 You will find the ini in MyDocuments/MyGames/Fallout3


When you say that you put the textures in the texture folder what exactly do you mean? All you need to do is put the textures and meshes folder into your Data folder and overwrite.

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