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CTD When Caught Stealing?


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So I've been playing modded Skyrim [LE] for a bit now, and am up to 77 active plugins with Mod Organizer 2. With the memory patch and anti-crash in place, I've been able to play the game very stable with no crashing or major bugs for a while. The only freezing or slowdown I've ever encounter has been a matter of my autosave mod, which hasn't caused me any major issues.


However, recently my game crashed while I was stealing iron ingots from Alvor in Riverwood. I ran a few tests and turned some mods on and off to try and pinpoint what the issue was, but to no avail. I tested to see it would happen when I wasn't caught, and that seemed to be fine. I then checked to make sure it wasn't the iron ingots specifically and the same crash happened when I stole items off a cart in Whiterun market. Here's what I know:


1 ) It has nothing to do with any mods that affect hired thugs or the weight of the iron ingots, as I've already tried with those turned off.


2 ) I have no iron arrows in my inventory.


3 ) I removed all items with the stolen flag from my inventory as well.


4 ) This isn't caused by a Whiterun overhaul, because turned mine off to test it.


5 ) I have no mods that affect bounties, arrest, jail, or otherwise.


6 ) This happens immediately, not when paying a fine or being approached or attacked by a guard.


7 ) It doesn't matter what time of day it is if the guards are triggered while I'm spam looting.


8 ) According to LOOT, I have no conflicts and missing dependencies, and everything else seems to work perfectly fine.


9 ) This doesn't seem to happen if I'm NOT caught while I'm doing it.

Edited by gakusangi
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Hi. Do you have any ENB installed? Even ENB Boost? If so, tried to remove it and check your game than. I had some crazy issues with the game cuz of ENB in the past, maybe it's the problem for you too?

End when you turned off mods did you just unchecked them or completely disabled? Some mods don't work as plugins that you can simply unchecked in MO or NMM.

Edited by Okultysta006
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