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The Massive Mojave Mod Mashup Compatibility Patch Mod (MMMMCPM)


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Hello all I am here to test the waters of public opinion in order to see if my mod will be deemed acceptable by the community.


I already have a working, cleaned .esp file I will not release it until all of the necessary permissions are granted. Does anyone know how to contact CyberLazy other than PM? CyberLazy does not accept PMs anymore. I also asked permission to make a modfusion of the included mods at some time in the future. It is a long shot but worth if allowed. Otherwise load order horror. The below is a WIP readme:





The Massive Mojave Mod Mashup Compatibility Patch Mod (MMMMCPM)

This mod is still in alpha v0.0.0.1, stuff will be added in the future.



Welp, one day I realized something: New Vegas was rushed, because of that a lot of fun content is missing and someone should do something about that. Other mod authors realized the same and implemented very good, very incompatible ideas. Such incompatibles, as a collective, are lost potential. I decided to do something about it, thus The Massive Mojave Mod Mashup Compatibility Patch Mod (MMMMCPM) was born.



How to use:

Download and activate the mods listed below. THIS INCLUDES MMMMCPM!

Import the included load_order.txt or FNvedit if you are using other mods.





This compatibility patch mod makes the following mods behave, pay attention to their versions!:


Project Nevada, Project Nevada Patches, Project Nevada Extra Options, PN-ExtraOptions-MCMScriptFixes

Project Nevada 2_5-40040-2-5

Project Nevada - Core - Equipment - Rebalance-45104-9

Project Nevada - dlc support 1_3-42363-1-3

Project Nevada - eve support 1_2-42363-1-2

Project Nevada - wmx support 1_3-42363-1-3

Project Nevada - extra options 1-2-47285-1-2




EVE - Essential Visual Enhancements




Weapon Mods Expanded

Weapon Mods Expanded v1_1_1-39651-1-1-1

WMX - Dead Money v1_0_4-39651-1-0-4

WMX - EVE Compatibility v1_0_5-39651-1-0-5

WMX - Gun Runners Arsenal v1_0_1-39651-1-0-1

WMX - Honest Hearts v1_0_3-39651-1-0-3

WMX - Lonesome Road-39651-1-0

WMX - Old World Blues v1_0_2-39651-1-0-2

WMX - Pre-Order Packs Compatibility v1_0_4-39651-1-0-4



Ultimate Invisible Wall Remover

Ultimate Invisible Wall Remover-48511-1-0



Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition

Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition 9c

MMUE ELECTRO-CITY - Compatibility Patch version 9

MMUE Project Nevada - Core - Equipment - Rebalance version 9

MMUE Project Nevada - All DLC Patch Patch-45104-8a

MMUE Project Nevada - Core - Equipment - Rebalance-45104-9





(Includes Completed Workorders, Highways and Byways)


Massive Modfusioned Craft + CASE

Craft Master v2.40

Craft Pack v2.70

CASE v2.60 (+DLC patches!)







CASE 2 Leveled List Organizer + Patches (CFW, Ahztek)






A Method to the Madness / Change Log


The following is a simple set of logical rules that I following when creating this compatibility patch mod. Simply put: [mod1] – [mod2] – [mod3] – [mod4] – [mod5] then ‘Exceptions!’. Mods are given priority from left to right, eg [mod1] entries override [mod2] entries except for ‘Exceptions!’. The ‘Exceptions!’ are a verbatim of exceptions (duh) to the above rule.



Ammo damage, effect, name:

Modfusion – EVE* - MMUENevada


  1. [18] EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp \ Explosion \ 000179DA <GrenadeFragExplosion> uses PNxRKnockdownMed "KnockdownMed" [ENCH:13000ADF]
  2. [18] EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp \ Explosion \ 0007078B <MineFragExplosion> uses PNxRKnockdownMed "KnockdownMed" [ENCH:13000ADF]
  3. [18] EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp \ Explosion \ 00077B42 <MotorcycleExplosion> uses PNxRKnockdownMed "KnockdownMed" [ENCH:13000ADF]
  4. [18] EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp \ Explosion \ 0007EA31 <40mmGrenadeExplosion> uses PNxRKnockdownMed "KnockdownMed" [ENCH:13000ADF]
  5. [18] EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp \ Explosion \ 000E397F <NVDynamiteExplosion> uses PNxRKnockdownMed "KnockdownMed" [ENCH:13000ADF]
  6. [18] EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp \ Explosion \ 00109A0F <MineNVPowderChargeExplosion> uses PNxRKnockdownMed "KnockdownMed" [ENCH:13000ADF]
  7. [18] EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp \ Explosion \ 00130044 <C4Explosion> uses PNxRKnockdownHeavy "KnockdownHeavy" [ENCH:13000AE7]
  8. [18] EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp \ Explosion \ 0013D532 <TimeBombExplosion> uses PNxRKnockdownMed "KnockdownMed" [ENCH:13000ADF]
  9. [18] EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp \ Explosion \ 0013E5D1 <C4ExplosionNoLOS> uses PNxRKnockdownHeavy "KnockdownHeavy" [ENCH:13000AE7]
  10. [18] EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp \ Explosion \ 02000938 <NVDLC05GrenadeTinExplosion> uses PNxRKnockdownLite "KnockdownLite" [ENCH:13000AE6]
  11. [18] EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp \ Explosion \ 02000A3A <NVDLC05TwoStepGoodbyeExplosion> uses PNxRKnockdownMed "KnockdownMed" [ENCH:13000ADF]
  12. [18] EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp \ Explosion \ 02000AB9 <NVDLC05TimeBombHighYieldExplosion> uses PNxRKnockdownMed "KnockdownMed" [ENCH:13000ADF]
  13. [18] EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp \ Weapon \ 000CDA5C <HVWeapPlasmaRifleWeak> uses Damaged Plasma Rifle


Ammo primer, scripts:

MMUE – Modfusion


Ammo models:



  1. [18] EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp \ Object Effect \ 0003A36B <EMP> uses AllPowerArmor [FLST:0016A0DE]


  1. Junk round recipes now actually make junk rounds complete with the associated penalties! See [26] ModFusion.esp \ Recipe \ 0100FB7A <RecipeNVDLC0110mmJunkRounds> onward!




Misc items for crafting

Weights, names (WIP), values:

Modfusion – MMUE


Object Bounds:

MMUE - Modfusion




Van Graff Combat Armor values, name, object bounds stays to MMUE defaults




Crafting recipies

Modfusion – WMX-EVE


CraftingOvenRecipesScript [sCPT:0D000B9F]




Weapon Mods, sounds, projectiles, models, attack shots/sec, scripts



  1. <NVDLC01WeapThrowingKnifeSpear> is no longer player only
  2. [1B] WMX-DeadMoney.esp \ Weapon \ 0100A7A9 <NVDLC01WeapAutomaticRifle> no has Long Burst for flag 2
  3. [1A] WeaponModsExpanded.esp \ Weapon \ 0000421C <WeapBaseballBat> uses FXSwingMedium [sOUN:0005C72B]
  4. [1A] WeaponModsExpanded.esp \ Weapon \ 00004347 <WeapPowerFist> uses WPNArmSwing [sOUN:00165BE4], WPNBlockMelee [sOUN:0008B5B7]
  5. [1A] WeaponModsExpanded.esp \ Weapon \ 0000434C <WeapShotgunSawedOff> uses VATSFixSawed [sPEL:28000AF2]
  6. [1A] WeaponModsExpanded.esp \ Weapon \ 00004354 <WeapSpikedKnuckles> uses 1stPersonSpikedKnuckles [sTAT:00026055]
  7. [1A] WeaponModsExpanded.esp \ Weapon \ 0008ED0A <WeapNVRiotShotgun> uses VATSFixHunting [sPEL:28000AF0]
  8. [1A] WeaponModsExpanded.esp \ Weapon \ 0008ED0B <WeapNVHuntingShotgun> uses VATSFixHunting [sPEL:28000AF0]
  9. [1A] WeaponModsExpanded.esp \ Weapon \ 0008ED0C <WeapNVLeverActionShotgun> uses VATSFixSingle [sPEL:28000AE9]
  10. [1A] WeaponModsExpanded.esp \ Weapon \ 0008F21C <WeapNVAntiMaterielRifle> uses WPNRifleSniperModFire3D [sOUN:0015FE41], WPNRifleSniperModFire2D [sOUN:0015FE3E]
  11. [1A] WeaponModsExpanded.esp \ Weapon \ 000CD53A <WeapNVCaravanShotgun> uses VATSFixDinnerBell [sPEL:28000AEE]
  12. [1A] WeaponModsExpanded.esp \ Weapon \ 000E393B <WeapNVSingleShotgun> uses VATSFixSingle [sPEL:28000AE9]
  13. [1A] WeaponModsExpanded.esp \ Weapon \ 000E5391 <WeapNVBoxingGloves> does not use BoxingGlovesCriticalAE "Boxing Gloves Crit AE" [sPEL:28000885] on death
  14. [1A] WeaponModsExpanded.esp \ Weapon \ 000E58BB <WeapNVBoxingGoldenGloves> does not use BoxingGoldenGlovesCriticalAE "Golden Gloves Crit AE" [sPEL:28000884] on death
  15. [1A] WeaponModsExpanded.esp \ Weapon \ 000E5B17 <WeapNVVarmintRifleUnique> uses No Dismember/Explode
  16. [1A] WeaponModsExpanded.esp \ Weapon \ 000F0B12 <WeapNVHuntingShotgunUnique> uses VATSFixDinnerBell [sPEL:28000AEE]
  17. [1A] WeaponModsExpanded.esp \ Weapon \ 0012D852 <WeapNVBoxingTape> uses BoxingTapeCriticalAE "Boxing Tape Crit AE" [sPEL:28000886]
  18. [1A] WeaponModsExpanded.esp \ Weapon \ 0013316D <WeapCattleProd> uses CattleProdCriticalAE "Cattle Prod Crit AE" [sPEL:28000887], CattleProdLightsOutAE "Cattle Prod Lights Out AE" [sPEL:28000888]
  19. [1A] WeaponModsExpanded.esp \ Weapon \ 0015430B <WeapNVMacheteGladius> uses name Gladius Machete NOT Machete Gladius
  20. [1A] WeaponModsExpanded.esp \ Weapon \ 001568E6 <WeapNVSpikedKnucklesUnique> uses 1stPersonSpikedKnucklesUnique [sTAT:001568E3]
  21. [1A] WeaponModsExpanded.esp \ Weapon \ 0015BA03 <WeapNVBallisticFist> uses WPNRechargerFail [sOUN:00173E72], WPNBlockPipe [sOUN:000BE3E7], WPNHandEquip [sOUN:000C2F5B], WPNHandUnequip [sOUN:000C2F5C]
  22. [1A] WeaponModsExpanded.esp \ Weapon \ 0015FE44 <WeapNVChainsaw> uses Loud
  23. [1A] WeaponModsExpanded.esp \ Weapon \ 0015FF5D <WeapNVBBGunUnique> uses Abilene Kid Limited Edition BB Gun
  24. [1A] WeaponModsExpanded.esp \ Weapon \ 001673CD <WeapShotgunSawedOffUnique> uses VATSFixBoomer [sPEL:28000AEA]
  25. [18] EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp \ Weapon \ 0200084D <NVDLC05WeapLaserPistolCustom> uses MMUEwpnreplaspis [sCPT:000274BE]
  26. [18] EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp \ Weapon \ 02000853 <NVDLC05WeapNVPlasmaDefenderCustom> uses Override - Action Points, Scope from Mod, No Player Only
  27. [1D] WMX-GunRunnersArsenal.esp \ Weapon \ 0200084E <NVDLC05WeapNV127mmSubmachineGunCustom> uses MMUEwpnrep127smg [sCPT:0003A17C]
  28. [1D] WMX-GunRunnersArsenal.esp \ Weapon \ 0200084F <NVDLC05WeapNVAntiMaterielRifleCustom> uses MMUEwpnrepamr [sCPT:0016A1EF]
  29. [1D] WMX-GunRunnersArsenal.esp \ Weapon \ 02000852 <NVDLC05WeapNVHuntingRevolverCustom> uses MMUEwpnrephunt [sCPT:00143FB3]
  30. [1D] WMX-GunRunnersArsenal.esp \ Weapon \ 02000857 <NVDLC05WeapRipperCustom> uses MMUEwpnreprip [sCPT:0017398E]
  31. [1D] WMX-GunRunnersArsenal.esp \ Weapon \ 02000AC3 <NVDLC05WeapFatmanCustom> uses MMUEwpnrepfat [sCPT:00159B16]




MMUE – Project Nevada

[1A] WeaponModsExpanded.esp \ Non-Player Character \ 000E5F17 <188Michelle>

Karma 500.000000, EyebrowF "EyebrowF" [HDPT:000B6DE4], Weapons, Armor, Food, Chems, Stimpacks, Miscellaneous, Repair






[1A] WeaponModsExpanded.esp \ Quest \ 001633F2 <VMS55a>

SROGlobal reference order

  1. WMXVendorContainerTorresOrigMovedREF [REFR:1A00E98E] (places VendorContainerTorres "Torres's Trunk" [CONT:000E3412] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of NVVendorChestsCell "New Vegas Buried Vendor Chests" [CELL:0008EAE7])
  2. WMXTorresUpgInvGlobal [GLOB:1A011D29]
  3. VMS55a "Tend to Your Business" [QUST:001633F2]


Ash/Goo Piles


MMUE - *





Edited by ThomasRK1000
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