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looking for mod to remove "lock level" text


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was browsing through mods that add immersion and stumbled upon a nifty little mod that gets rid of the *empty* tag on containers such as barrels and sacks and was looking to find a mod that gets rid of the "lock level" text on doors and chests etc. for instance instead of reading "pick lock chest *master* ", it would simply read "pick lock chest". this combined with a mod i have that gets rid of all text upon lockpicking interface would add a deep level off immersion in my opinion. if anyone knows of such a mod, or any way i can edit some files myself to accomplish this it would be most appreciated.

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I don't know of such a mod, but you can do this easily yourself. Load up the Creation Kit and open the settings window, which can be found in the Gameplay menu. Then filter for sLockLevelName and clear the string values. Save it as a new .esp and you're done.

Edited by Ghaunadaur
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