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What Is The Best Game Ever


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For PC...Anybody heard of Freespace 2? It's a fly-around-in-a-space-ship-and-blow-the-crap-out-of-people type of game. I played a little bit of it at a friends house, and wow... the things you can do in your space ship... I barely had time to finish the tutorials before I had to go home. That's the best computer game I have ever played.


~For XBOX... ~Morrowind (or ~Halo 2, I don't know, I kind of got tired of playing it after I did nothing but that for several days in a row)


~For GameCube... ~SSBM Super Smash Bros. Melee. That game is the most addictive game for GC. I have to have played at least twenty bajillion hours on that. :D (Wrote my own gameguide for it too... PM me with questions...:cool2:)


For PS2... Don't have one, but I think that the Final Fantasy Series is pretty cool...


~For GBA...~Mario & Luigi Superstars. Nuf said.


Old Skool...


~For NES... Duck Hunt. :)


~For SNES... ~Super Mario World. That game is... Yeah, nuf said...


~For Sega... ~Sonic


~= I own this


Started with a SNES when I was...........8. Which means I have 8 years experience.

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For PC...Anybody heard of Freespace 2? It's a fly-around-in-a-space-ship-and-blow-the-crap-out-of-people type of game. I played a little bit of it at a friends house, and wow... the things you can do in your space ship... I barely had time to finish the tutorials before I had to go home. That's the best computer game I have ever played.


Go play the rest. Buy a copy for yourself if you have to, or just download it if you've got the connection speed. It's one of the greatest games in history.

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Best game ever in my opinion Halo 2 hand's down. Got to love the marine's. Plus there's probally gonna be oblivion so that may end up on my future favorite's list.
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Chrono Trigger. Stunning Graphics (at the time), awesome musical score, flawless battle system, memorible characters, and an awesome storyline. Truly a masterpiece!
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No one has mentioned Deus Ex yet?


I think 3 people mentioned Deus Ex at the beginning of the post you nincumpoop! :P


My favourite/best game of all time would have to be X-COM: Apocalypse. Game of the Year for 1998 from several magazines and just hands down amazing gameplay.

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"Civilization 2: Test of Time" and "Age of Empires 2" are probably the best strategy games of all times.


Rise of Nations is has way more strategy because it uses a flanking system.


Right then, since I had taken a good five or so minutes to yell obscenities at the wall, i can consider these GOD DAMN RIDICULOUS IDEAS WHAT THE HELL WERE THINKING ideas of yours. Ahem.


Firstly, I have no objections with Darnoc's candidate of Civ II: ToT. I haven't played that version of the Civ games but I think they have some merit. What I object to is being told that AoE II is anything approaching a good game. I owned all of the AoE titles up to the latest ones - Age of Myths, whatever it's called. I don't anymore - I poured ligher fluid on the discs and burnt them. There is no strategy, whatsoever, involved in the playing of those games. It is a "build and rush" game, plain and awful. There are no ideas of tactics, unit strengths and weaknesses beyond the most obvious (and even these can be ignored quite easily), and no concept of, ah yes, a flanking system.


On to Rise of Nations, a game which is, essentially, AoE with a lot more epochs. I am also 99% certain that it is built with the same AoE engine. If Rise of Nations does use a flanking system i have certainly never had to use it. The same "build and rush" system has been copied and pasted into RoN, only with more "build, research, then rush".


If you would like to know what a decent game of strategy is, go and get Rome - Total War, and, if your strategy standards are as low as your game choices suggest, be blown away. I will not even begin to go into detail about the greatness of Rome because my fingers would drop off before i ran out of things to say. Suffice to say, the tactic system goes slightly beyond "flank to win".


BTW: Sorry if i sound overly harsh in this post, but i honestly can't understand why you would say these things if you have alrady played RTW. If you havent, then i can understand your unenlightened views somewhat.


And as for my best game ever, its a toss-up between RTW, Morrowind, HL2 and Deus Ex. And Eve Online if we can include online games.

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