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living world ?


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one of the things that i liked in FO3 was the radio, as it felt like my action had effect on the world

but in my opinion this whole angle of changing the world around u was a miss again much like it was in FO2

in both beside some minor dialog change and some times different chars no apparent changes at all at least

in FO2 there was a way better ending summarizing your actions.


so what i suggest is major mod that will change the world according to your actions not only in dialogue

one of the ways to do so i had in mind is a town mod ( like the NWN keep or the morrwind island )


for example lets take the centerbury town a safe haven that u can tell ppl about on your way

the more ppl that will come the more options for quest u will get to expand it.


finding a specialist to join will open up a small stand with their wares, ppl who will come will start in small

metal shelters from poo laying around.


more ppl in one place means raiders/mutants/slavers... attacks means missions to get them back or rounting the

ppl to defend themselves with resources u can secure (missions) they can build a fence & start a police force

or at first the will be quipped with bullshit but with your help they can get better armor and fire arms eventually some

cool combat armor like the rangers has with the name of the town ... (or just enlist the rangers or someone else to help u out)




setting up electricity / water tower / some barhamin flock in the back for food

cearing the mostly flooded underground tunnels for living space or clearing the houses

upgrading the the houses like setting up shops for traders or a better bar with a hooker etc ...

setting up your own radio station ...





its just few ideas for the town, the quest should be spread through the entire map & connect to others quests

for example taking out the slaver camp will remove most of the encounters with them on the map might bring

some slave to the town 7 then striking the town as a retaliation ?


or saving any number of places give u an option to trade with them and see some property on their part or just get wiped out with a note on a pool for u

marrying quest will bring children (that u can kill of course) or ...


or getting to many ppl from the wrong kind(karma) or the wrong race in the town can start trouble etc ...




hope that those few ideas can help someone to help us with a great mod :)

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Obviously it's a good idea, but making NPC:s change their behavior dynamically is very hard at best. Water towers, fences and shacks appearing overnight will look stupid too, you can't really have NPC:s building them without custom animations and endless amounts of scripting which is more than most modders are capable of, or have the motivation for. The main problem is that the game cannot magically change, every option has to be there from the start, and that's a LOT of options if you want to make the world even slightly dynamic.

Making the game behave in the way you describe is as much work as a total conversion, you'd need a team of many skilled modders working together for a long time for that to happen.

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Obviously it's a good idea, but making NPC:s change their behavior dynamically is very hard at best. Water towers, fences and shacks appearing overnight will look stupid too, you can't really have NPC:s building them without custom animations and endless amounts of scripting which is more than most modders are capable of, or have the motivation for. The main problem is that the game cannot magically change, every option has to be there from the start, and that's a LOT of options if you want to make the world even slightly dynamic.

Making the game behave in the way you describe is as much work as a total conversion, you'd need a team of many skilled modders working together for a long time for that to happen.


agreed that changing NPC behavior dynamically too hard and basically is a total remake of the game quest tree mechanics

what i am asking is much simpler, instead of ending a quest with a log line


i want all event to have effect on the world not major like the megaton bomb fork but simple touches like with the survival

guide when u vulk up u can find ppl lying dead with it.

or many other face lifts that can be done to existing quests that after finishing them you return and expect to see something

different and never do...


and instead of mass populating the wilderness with many new unconnected mods better build up from what we already have

and add up, for example cleaning out the slaver guild compound will not leave it empty but attract new populace...



as for the town it might be no that hard, just need few global variables and create 3 maps Low medium and max level of development

in each and have areas locked up until req will be met...

u dont have to show how they build it u can divided it into parts showing more every few days or whatever ...



anyway its just some ideas

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