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A few simple CK problems


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Hey, finalizing my first interior I've made learning to mod, but run into some problems that I can't find the solutions to.


-I've set up a gargoyle trap but when you get close to the gargoyle you can hear them panting. This kind of eliminates the surprise when the ambush gets triggered. Is there any way to delete this sound until they break out of stone form?


-Don't settle on Havok just won't work: I have two swords sticking out of objects, but they keep either settling anyways or, if I use the script "defaultdisablehavokonload" they end up staying still but not in the position I intended.


-Hearing NPCs through walls: I can hear NPC through wall if I'm in close proximity, but its unrealistic as there supposed to be large stone walls in between them. I thought "acoustic spaces" we're supposed to fix this, but this seems to be a different thing entirely.


Any help is much appreciated.

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For your items settling, there's a checkbox in their details after you place them that says "Dont havok settle". Check it and they should stay where you want them


That's what I'm currently doing, but they still seem to settle anyway. Is it because I'm trying to stick them through a static object like a crate?

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For your items settling, there's a checkbox in their details after you place them that says "Dont havok settle". Check it and they should stay where you want them

That's what I'm currently doing, but they still seem to settle anyway. Is it because I'm trying to stick them through a static object like a crate?

It's not working? I seem to recall it worked fine for me when I wanted to stick a sword through a body.

Do you have it at some impossible angle or something? Not sure why it wouldnt work

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