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Custom Face Mesh Omega99jp Tutorial


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Hullo! I'm doing some research in this area, and I've tried going about using <a href="http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27955">Omega99jp's Tutorial</a> but shamefully... I've problems deciphering his English at times :/ I've been looking around for different tutorials but to no avail, so I'm coming to you now, dear community.

Basically I've just created a custom NPC, placed him into the world, Ctrl+F4'd my file in the CK, gotten three files (.nif, .tga and .dds). Now he's telling me to "Copy the necessary files from the files that unzipped by using the BSA browser". I've no idea what that's supposed to mean.... I've not extracted any .bsa, and I don't understand WHICH .bsa I'm supposed to extract, if so, or where to place those files.

Now, where I'm stuck is at part 31 of his tutorial, I simply don't understand what I'm supposed to do here. Anyone got any ideas? (or perhaps able to point me to another tutorial?)

Edited by Halendia
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