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Restore deleted dialogue?


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Hi, I'm new to messing around with the creation kit, and all I have done so far has been to make some custom followers/marriage partners.


I posted them to the workshop and somebody who uses one of these followers reported an issue that one of my followers was giving him Saadia's quest dialogue since they shared the same voice type. I assumed that if I deleted a bunch of quest based dialogue branches in my custom NPCs dialogue menu that it would delete the dialogue from her and not just delete the dialogue entirely from EVERY NPC that uses that dialogue.


Which apparently was not the case, as now another person is having quests not available to him at all, and having NPCs like Faralda not give any dialogue at all when he enters the college.


Is there any way to restore dialogue marked as DELETED? Or am I just going to have to entirely remake these custom followers to get the dialogue back?

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