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CK & TESVEdit Problem with my mod


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Hi everyone, I have a problem with my mod and I need desperating help, I´m trying to do compatible my mod (changes to npcs) with Unofficial Skyrim Patch with tesvedit.


Well, when I make changes in some parameters dragging and dropping from USP column to my mod column and save the changes all work correctly, I enter the game and all works, then when I open CK and make changes to any NPC and save, openning tesvedit I see some errors in VMAD - Form ID in some NPCs where I can read in my mod colum with orange font: [xxxxxxxx] <Error: Could not be resolved> ([xxxxxx] is any number). This happen in various NPCs and others errors occur in "PKID - Package" with the same text. When I try to revert the changes removing the error then the text is replaced for "Null Reference".



Why do this happen? I´m doing something wrong?





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