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Far Cry

Enemy counter attack on fob's/patrol bases taken


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i loved far cry 3 but with having a bit of a military background i would have loved to see Vaas's pirates & the privateers conduct counter attacks on the bases/compound/patrol basses you take from them

i was thinking it would be good if when you where at one of the rescently taken compounds (a random number of times later, maybe after fast travelling to one), you step outside & an attack is iminent & you have to fight the enemy attacking the compound

basicly i didn't like it how the compounds where taken from the pirates or the privateers & that was it, i would like to fight over them a number of times

even to the point of it being taken over by the enemy (when your not there) & then you have to recapture it with it being more fortified with more men


basicly what im asking is, is this mod possible?

i would love to hear from anyone interested in making it or discussing it

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