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[Mod Request] Pet QoL


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Its actually 2 things id like to see as a Mod


1: A way to ACTIVLY Heal your wolves after an encounter, or a way to "revive" them as they have 0 armor and just die to anything stronger then a graydwarf. (Like they lay on the ground "Bleeding out" like in Warframe and you can revive them using a raw meat for a minute after theyre downed)


2: A way to disable the Damage Done to your wolves by yourself. You cant hit your Mates that play with you, but i am mostly alone so the wolves help a LOT. But its not big use if i melee with a sword and accidentally oneshot my companion on the way. So maybe a Mod that needs me to enable PVP damage to actually kill a tamed wolf?


I personally have never requested a mod and know nothing about making them so i got no clue as to what is and isnt possible.

I dont intend to have invincible armys of Doggos but at least somewhat of a chance to KEEP the ones i walk around with and not always have to return to base to get a new one from the batch and then run all the way back where i left of. Thats just...stupid (since they cant use teleports)


Oh yeah... A "Rubberband teleport" would work too, so they teleport just beside you when you use a teleport. But that would be pretty hard i think?


Sorry if i offend modders with my stupid suggestions.

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Thanks already. I got both of them but still i can damage them myself. My sword still does around 8 damage to them on an accidental hit which is 10% of their health and since they only eat when their hungry and only heal when they eat its kind of a pain in the ....you know what i mean



Edit: Ok, as i said ive never modded stuff so im kind of afraid to break something by editing things haha

So i found the way to edit the damage done from players and enemies. So its a lot better now

Edited by RikuGx
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