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Goodguy211 - BANNED

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Goodguy211 banned.

Belittling other members’ contents solely based on personal dislikes, standards and mod descriptions Discriminatory remarks towards other members and a group of people
Offensive remarks towards other members

Comments (on transgender character mods)

03 March 2021 - 09:59 PM
so can we block tags like "real world issues" from showing up in general, or.

06 March 2021 - 03:52 AM in response to post #91376993.
just like coming in here and talking down on people who support it makes you look like a jackass, as does the exact opposite.

06 March 2021 - 04:39 AM
Have you noticed that it's the same two weird people endorsing these mods? Like, we get it. You weren't born comfortable, or something. Okay. Why the hyuck do I have to care about that in Star Wars. You're just trolling people like me at this point, lol. Which, epic stuff, good laugh, thank you.

Hopefully you guys can get your full tranny loadout at some point. that would be insane to see.

06 March 2021 - 08:19 PM
Search Results: Refine, must not include: Real World Issues

You can tag each and every one of these mods that have this so you don't have to see them, if you don't want to. I made it to where instead of the normal BF2 Nexus page being where I'm brought to each time I come here, I go to that refined search result.

Do the same if you don't want this weird lame stuff clogging up your super serious Star Wars where men are men and women are women.
Edited by Goodguy211, 06 March 2021, 08:19 PM.

From the site owner’s Forum and Commenting Guidelines (excerpt) - https://help.nexusmods.com/article/22-forum-and-commenting-guidelines

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We do not tolerate 'trolling' or harassment of any kind. Do not belittle, discredit, or aggressively criticise another member or their content. If you do not like something or have nothing constructive to add, it's best to simply move along.

Content that can be construed as provocative, objectionable, discriminatory, or abusive toward any real-world individual or group, may be subject to moderation. This includes but is not limited to content involving politics, race, religion, gender identity, sexuality, or social class.

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