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NPC Idle


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Hello community

I got Creation Kit in order to make things as i want for my TESV and since then creativity madness flows within my head. I started making novice stuff with it but only for me since i didn't know where the wind blows in order to publish something interesting and not a waste of data. I am downloading mods and i feel the need to also upload contributing to the community.

I would like to ask something in order to overcome my inability to complete what i want in CK.<br />

I am working on a storyline (quest/npc/exterior/interior and so on). The main character in the story is a woman who has gone missing. Playing the quest you get to a point where you locate the woman finding out that she has been captured. I want to give visual emphasis on that in the scenario by putting that woman in a certain idle stance inside a cage (nudity and so on).

Evil Lair of Hydra & Zaz Resources has given me the incentive for the idle stance i am looking for and the overall concept. I need to make that npc kneel and stay there but i don't know how to do that in the Creation Kit.

If you could link me tutorials or write me your way of doing it i would appreciate that.
I am very interested to learn how to make such things (and not only).
I am reading tutorials hoping to solve this without major help!

This is my first post in the nexus forums and i feel kinda ashamed because i am asking for help.
Pardon me if you find my English bad.
Thank you for your reply and your time.

Edited by paulpantos
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