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[REQUEST] Server Side Mod


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We run our linux server of valheim at a dedicated server, I've integrated BepInEx to startup with the server

in open game panel and I can see that the server loads BepInEx including all mods that got installed, BUT...


They seem to have absolutely no effect if installed server side.


Nexus ID: 77 (no tear and wear), 38 (extend daytime), 295 (no crafting station restrictions), 305 (paddle power), 288 (automatic door mod), 269 (Anti Cheat Beta)


If I install it client side too or client only (not in the server), automatic door and so on works.


Thus so far, whatever you do, it's just client side and everyone can install their cheatlike mods as they wish without any chance to prevent it.


We need a server side mod that:


- prevent mods not installed on server

- restrict other mods than whitelisted (if it doesn't make sense to install the mod to the server itself)

- make certain mods mandatory to join the server

- displays details what mod each player has installed (as admin, to see details about other players)

Edited by liomajor
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This is what I am asking for.

Valheim+ does syncConfigServer by sending the config values to the client to load at run time, so that it never even looks at their 'cheatlike' config mods. What I would love is a standalone mod "Server Config Manager" that does something similar but for all the mods a server is running, so that the server sends the clients the values to load at run time and ignores their local config files.


This would also help the entire community, because users of mods wouldn't have to worry about mucking with config files to play on their friends server. Their friend could just use this mod, and it would send all of his clients the correct values when they connect. This would also make switching servers potentially really easy for users since they would never have to monkey with their mod configs, since the server would send them the right values.


Please bump my thread if you like this! =)

Edited by Cadaver84
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