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Capped RAM


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Not true. If the game only uses 900mb total, then I don't see how that fix I posted completely fixed my game. I think that it saves texture and mathematical data on the ram to access later, and having it capped at 2gb causes problems, which is why that fix upcaps it and brings it to 3. Did you try what I posted? It's a great thread. Also, the Micro-Stuttering can be fixed by either going into the GPU control panel and changing CPU affinity from 2(or more) to JUST 1 core. Thats how I fixed mine. I use RadeonPro, but I believe you can change this is the nVidia settings as well. If you can't find it then Google is your friend :P Your game isn't broke, just keep trying.

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I have upwards of 70+ mods, a LOT of armor mods and hair/texture mods and I havn't had a SINGLE crash yet. Thats with Path of Shadows, ACE Combat Skills, and some other gameplay changes added to my game, and it runs absolutely fine. Also Cities and Villages Enhanced which adds A LOT of floral and clutter to cities to make them look better.


Havn't had a single problem.

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