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Many problems after adding mods.....


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Hi guys

I've decided to return to Skyrim after a long time playing other games

obviously, i'm having a real blast and really enjoy using some of the awesome mods i never got to use before

however, i have some rather annoying troubles that are mainly random crashes, really long loading times, stutters and some instability issues


I have tried searching for guides on how to fix my game, tried doing almost everything i used to do on Oblivion or the Fallout games, to no avail

my game is still unstable to the point that it's almost unplayable at times

I even tried Gopher's method for cleaning the official master files, but that didn't solve the problem (was a long shot really.....)


now, the problem i am seeing most is my game crashing

it could happen completely randomly, without any pattern i was able to detect

it also usually happens when i'm fast traveling or changing cells, though that as well is rather random

also, at times my game begins to stutter and work really slowly and poorly

the last real problem i noticed is that sometimes loading a save could take a really long time, to the point that it seems my game is freezing

now, i usually don't wait too long, so i quit the game, start it again, load another save, then load the save i initially wanted, and it works, but still the problem is strange and annoying


In order to help you help me, i am adding two word files that are my load order result using BOSS

the first is the list with all the files BOSS recognized, while the second is a list of all the plugins BOSS didn't recognize

do note the Active sign next to each of the active plugins (i didn't remove the plugins i haven't activated from this list)


thanks in advance for the help, and best wishes to you all


one more note

I may not be able to reply for quite some time, so please do leave a message and i'll answer as soon as i can

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