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Mod Wishlist


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Just some ideas floating around that I'd love but am far too stupid to code:


  • Half-Width Wood Walls, Triangular Roof corners, Curved Stone/Wood & Roof.
  • Less Infuriating Stone Arch (Less prone to collapse when holding up stone if touching another arch)
  • Something to stop Axes from resetting their animation state on Trees, slowing them down (IE: Stop hitting with the first animation only, continue to the second). Unrealistic but would improve wood harvesting imo.
  • More Food! Generally just more food to cook
  • Magic Weapons? (Wands/Staves/Books) High Spirit Damage + Elemental damages but no/minimal physical damage types. Maybe ranged even, for high stamina cost.
  • Something to calm deer down after a duration without seeing the player.
  • Bigger Input Storage on Kiln/Smelter/Blast Furnace
  • Chitin Armor?
  • Oak & Birch Seeds, For gods sake, please
  • Trophies -> Relevant Drops From Mobs Via New Station
  • Custom Music Mod (Allow custom file load from folder?)

That's about it for now, I guess

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"Oak & Birch Seeds, For gods sake, please"


User "Defryderr" (https://www.nexusmods.com/users/41616545) did that already. He is currently decompiling the file but uploaded it couple of minutes ago, but took it down. I downloaded fast enough and it worked. Can plant all trees (even swamp)


And for the music


https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/90?tab=description ez



OH and here is the armorstand


Edited by Gount
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I would love an rpg mod that incorporate fantasy magic weapons with different tiers of quality and would also create a loot table for chests, bosses, and elites.

-magic weapons with different quality tiers

-add new affixes for weapons and armor

-craftable weapons with a chance to incorporate these new affixes (new bench attachment for the forge) Runeforging?


Make it all random so that there is a reason to keep going into crypts, burial chambers, and troll caves for a chance at the loot.


Possible additional mod for magic Runcasting. Can use the assets already in the game for casting (Rocks thrown by trolls and greydwarves, fireballs and shields from goblins, poison breath and heals from shamans, etc.

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had another thought recently actually


to give a purpose to Lox, why not let us milk them and make cheese? Yeah they're lizards, but we've also got ice dragons, sea serpents, and a flat world with an edge...so realism is tentative at best


Lox Cheese I feel would probably be akin to Queen's Jam on its own, for stats, but could be paired with Cooked Meat, Bread, and either Turnip or Carrot for a sandwich that is slightly better than Lox Meat Pie, for a shorter time

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I'd like to see a few mods such as:

- Mead Base should only be Honey (x2-3, for example). More flavorful Meads should add Raspberries and Blueberries, but the basic stuff should be just Honey (like it is in real life).

- Fishing should be a Day 1 Skill where you can start with either a Fishing Spear (x2 wood and x1 leather scraps) or a Fishing Rod (x1 wood and x3 leather scraps) and bait you should be able to get along the shoreline (just worms), instead of being a Merchant-only item. This would allow for a simple grilled fish and then maybe something like Fish Stew (mushrooms and fish) later on

- New cauldron food recipes using grilled meat and grilled neck tails, maybe with Mushrooms
- Wild Onions as another Meadows vegetable food resource (and thus able to be farmed later with the Cultivator), maybe with advanced cooking recipes with Grilled Meat or Grilled Neck Tails, etc

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