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Clean Oblivion CTD when starting a new game

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I have recently decided to bash & clean my mods. I only used tes4edits automated cleaning as I am no expert. I read the guide to this as I cleaned only the mods specified to me though my BOSS report. I followed the guide exactly despite it's high redundancies... Trough this time, I have no clear memory of when Oblivion stopped working. I'm right at the mod threshold.

As usual, moving & adding mods caused my characters to be unusable, so I downloaded Alternative Start by Robert Evrae.esp. I started a new character, fine, but then I realized I needed to juggle my mods. I started with a simple texture file swap, then I might have BOSSed my list, I know I remade my BASH patch. Now my saves wont start & starting a new game is not possible..... Even after turning all my mods off.

I wanted to tell everyone here first to see it the solution is right beneath my nose or an obscure one I had no idea of, that way I don't go diving to reinstall.

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Occasionally I would open data files via the launcher (One modified to launch OBSE) & when I would go to accept, it would warn me that the oblivion .esm was not active, but this was not so. I figured if it said that then I would need to copy/paste the one from my clean oblivion file (I used a similar guide as the one you provided. No difference in my troubles. Everything is inactive, no new game & no clean save will work... Please, keep helping me... This is my all time favorite game & it's been modded to the max & finally to my perfect liking... Please help me get my game back. :(

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